Donnerstag, 8. August 2013

How And Where I Live

The last few years I was wondering how and where I live. I was asking the question over and over again where is my home and where am I the happiest. People would always tell me your home is where your heart is. Where do I belong and what is real?

I grew up in Switzerland, but left Europe with 21 and started a new adventure in South Africa.

How and where I live is very difficult to tell. I'm someone who will take every challenge, try to get as much out of a place as possible. I'm scared to call something just yet home, because as soon as I do there will be goodbyes again. Home is within me. How I live is who I'm.

I photographed existing photos through physical barriers. I photographed them underwater, covered in oil, salt or paint and in this was give commentary on negation of memory.

Photograph by Jessica Keller
Photograph by Jessica Keller
Photograph by Jessica Keller
Photograph by Jessica Keller
Photograph by Jessica Keller

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