Donnerstag, 5. September 2013

Running Towards

What are we chasing? Why do we always feel we need to hurry? What is the real deal? Where are we going? What makes us unique?

Listening to Bye Bye Macadam by Rone gave me a strong feeling of running, movement, reaching a goal, get to the final destination and be completely satisfied with life. The search is over; peace has filled your heart and you ready for whatever lies before you.
It was never an easy road, the path was filled with stones, but you have conquered them. Get over your heal and see...
We tend to forget to take a break and enjoy what is around us. We often live in the past and only think about the future. The present, what is that. The present is everything... The present is who we are.

I strongly believe that the journey is the destination...

Photograph by Jessica Keller

Symbolic elephant meaning deals primarily with strength, honour, stability and patience.
As a dream animal, elephants come into our dreams it is a message that we are able to deal with any obstacle we are faced with at this time. Elephant’s also express advanced sensitivity and social connection, especially during time of death, they travel to a specific place upon their death, fulfilling personal responsibility, even at the end of their days.
It reminds me of being in a situation where I can’t see the solution, where I have to zoom out, be still and find my path through all the obstacles.  Life is hard, but there is a solution for every mess. You never give up on taking the next step and coming closer to your destination.

Photograph by Jessica Keller

We should keep on running towards… Doesn’t matter how long it takes us to reach the final destination of complete satisfaction. We are in competition with no one. We run our own race. We have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone, in any way, shape or form. We just aim to improve, to be better than we were before. That is us and we are free…

Photograph by Jessica Keller

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